When something new happens to your body, your body reacts and that is known as signs or symptoms. Sometimes your body reacts so early and sometimes your body doesn’t react much, this depends on individuals. Lots of hormonal changes occur during Pregnancy and so when you conceive, your body tells you that by one way or another. The reminder could be as early as a week or as late as 3 to 4 months (especially when your periods are not regular). Here I will discuss most common signs / symptoms where your chances of pregnancy are high or in simple words I can say these are the signs that say “You Are Pregnant.”
- Lower abdominal pain: You may feel little pain in your lower abdominal while working, cooking or cleaning. And if you will lay down for 10-15 mins it will go. This is on and off pain. If you will continue your work it will increase and if you will take rest it will go. Solution is take rest whenever you feel pain is going to start. Don’t wait to reach it at its highest. As soon as you will take rest as soon as it will go.
- Tender or darker breast: Most common and initial sign is sore breast. You may feel little tenderness and if you check your breast, their color seems darker. This is the sign that your breast are getting ready for the new phase.
- Dizziness or fainting : This may sounds little bit filmy but trust me this happens too. The reason is low blood pressure or low sugar level which is very common during pregnancy. Nothing much to do just eat well and take rest. This won’t persist longer.
- Weakness: If you think nothing has changed in your routine and you are perfectly healthy and still feeling tired or weak then it’s an initial stage of your pregnancy. No need to worry, what you need to do is just “Slow Down” and things will be settled soon.
- Morning sickness : You may feel nausea or vomits in the morning or in afternoon or in the evening. Bad thing is “its called morning sickness but can be at any time of the day!” You may feel strong smell of food even if you are not cooking and few things you just can’t cook or you just can’t eat. This is very common issue for all the would be mummy and the solution is time. Avoid cooking or eating those dishes for some times. Don’t worry this won’t last more than 2 to 3 months.
- Frequent urination: If you notice, your frequency of urination is increased especially after evening. You may wake up at night for pee which is unlike you and there may be little difficulty in controlling, you want to go means you have to go. You may feel how suddenly my bladder becomes so small!!! Well nothing to worry just take a deep breath and accept the change.
- Mood swing: This is the most difficult thing to handle. You may be very happy and somehow you hear a word from your husband (which of course not new for you) but you blast!!! A simple small mistake of your husband (or friends or colleagues or relatives) is enough to make you hurt or even cry and at the same time a normal gesture of your husband (or friends or colleagues or relatives) can make you happy really very very happy…..Everything for you is extreme like very happy very excited very bored very sad………I know difficult to handle but you have to deal with this. You are very emotional at this stage and any one anywhere can hurt you or heal you. What you need to do is 1. Accept it. 2. Don’t regret it’s normal. 3. Read books or articles on pregnancy. 4. Talk to your partner and friends about it. 5. Try some meditation or relaxing techniques.
- Craving for specific food: you may have a dream of eating chocolate cake at 1 AM in the morning and you wake up by feeling like I want to eat chocolate cake right now!!! Well little childish but that happens. During day time also your taste is changed. You may like to eat the things which you never had before just because that’s not your choice or you may leave to eat your favorite dishes. Well that’s what your body demands. Feed your body whatever and whenever it asks and slowly it will go. Very common especially in first 3 months of pregnancy after that it will settle down slowly. Will come again in last month of pregnancy. Enjoy this as this is the time to treat yourself.
- You may miss your Period: This is very important part of pregnancy but pregnancy is not the only reason of delay or miss in cycle. As well as even though you are pregnant there may be case that you are getting your period (minimum discharge or may be normal one) don’t forget to visit your gynecologist in this case.
- Positive pregnancy test: This is the test which confirms your pregnancy. Easily available in any medical stores as well as very comfortable. Most of the times accurate too. If it shows “you are pregnant” Don’t forget to visit a doctor.
It seems you are having really bad time, humm but trust me these are just timely (on and off) things. Most of the things will be in place after your first trimester. Accept the change and enjoy it. Every change has its own pros and cons once you will learn how to deal with these small things (and I am sure you will ) you will be ready for something exciting really really exciting!!!!!!!!!!
Well these are just symptoms; nothing is confirmed without medical checkups.
Congratulations would be mummy!!!!!!