Many things excite you during pregnancy but the most exciting thing to wonder about is “Am I going to have a Girl / Boy”. A simple curious question to yourself which is always worth wondering as if you know the gender “you can make a nursery accordingly” and if you don’t “The excitement can last till end.”
By your 5th month ultrasound you will come to know the gender of your baby if she is in good position. But still nothing is 100% sure. The truth will reveal on the day of delivery only!!!
Well to find out your baby’s gender or not is up to you. But if you want to have some fun time with some funny guesses, go ahead and try following to find out your baby’s gender.
Heart Beat: Next time when you visit your doctor, don’t forget to ask him/her your baby’s heartbeat rate. This is common checkup done by doctor in every visit and its beautiful feeling to hear it too. The exciting thing is it can tell you who is going to develop inside!!! If heart beats are above 140, you are going to deliver a girl and if it is less than 140 it’s a boy.
Morning sickness: Are you suffering from morning sickness? If answer is yes you will be blessed by a girl and if you have less or none morning sickness you will be blessed by a boy.
Sweet or sour: Girls are sweet and so you crave for sweets if it’s a girl. If it’s a boy you may crave for some sour or salty items.
Beauty: There is a say that girl steals beauty from her mother. So if you think your skin is getting darker or your look is becoming dull it’s a girl and if you look same it will be a boy. Don’t worry about look as these changes are just temporary.
Ring experiment: Take off your engagement ring and tie it to one end of string. Hold it from another end near to your belly and check the movements. If it turns in circle you are going to have a boy and if it goes back and forth you are going to have a girl.
Delivery Time: There is a tale that girls like her mother a lot and so she won’t leave her womb so soon. This means if you are going to deliver a girl your delivery time will be higher and if it’s a boy your delivery time will be nominal. Well this is last day experiment but still exciting.
Well these are myths or truths facts or frames ; no one can say and no one can be sure until time will reveal it. But yes in my case all above were perfectly right!!!
Try some funny guess and have some fun