It was a summer vacation when we with my 4 and half years old daughter Kiara went to see my parents.
One morning Kiara was not ready to take bath even though I tried to convince her a lot.
Finally I called my mother who was putting clothes in washing m/c and said see mom kiara is not getting ready for bath.
She looked at kiara and said “look at your clothes it’s pretty much dirty. It seems if you won’t go for bath I need to put you in washing m/c with your clothes!!!”
Kiara paused for a while and asked innocently “granny, do you think washing m/c will hurt me or it will just clean me softly like clothes!!!”
We surprised by her question and laughed like anything.
True, kids’ mind thinks more than we expect and so their questions really leave us amazed. Thank you very much for sharing your amazing experience with us.
We are inviting cute conversation from
all the parents. You can write your experience to with the *name, age and photo of your kid and we will publish it on on every Tuesday.
*If you don’t want to reveal the identity of your kid, we will be happy to accept the experience with age of your kid.