A Perfect Stunning Date_2

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Well after my last blog celebration-of-love-valentine-special one of my reader said “its good but seems really simple what if I want some extraordinary date?”  And my answer is yes of course that  is simple but sober way quite old one but that always enough to touch some ones heart but if you want an elegant evening here are some tips to impress your love ones  :

    1. Search for very good sophisticated restaurant which serves candle light dinner in your city.
    2. Reserve your table to avoid unnecessary trouble.
    3. On valentine day send a heart shape bouquet made of roses and orchid to your love one with a small note of venue and time.
    4.  Go to the restaurant before 10 min.
    5. Order the food she really likes. If you are okay with drink wine will make your dinner more graceful but if you don’t order some cocktail with your meal. Meal should contain appetizer drink main course and dessert.
    6. Ask msp generator no survey DJ / hotel manager to play a love song (which you want to dedicate her) when she arrives or if restaurant doesn’t provide this facility you can play that on your mobile when she arrives.
    7. Don’t forget to stand up and personally offer her seat.
    8. Initiate conversation but talk about her mostly also Listen to her carefully. Don’t take any call or messages during this time.
    9. Give her a gift after meal which should be well wrapped in attractive manner. You can use attractive box to pack which are already available in market. Gift should be really precious and small in size. You can give diamonds or  jewelry or well-known love symbol .
    10. At last walk with her to the parking or drop her to her home.