Colorful Kids 1

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When you say “It’s time for grocery get ready please…” and in 10 min your kid shouts “I am ready mummy” but when you look at him/her you see a total mismatch !!! Bottom and top doesn’t go with each other and you have to say let’s change the clothes first…you may think for a second how anyone can wear purple top on red bottom !!! but yes kids can all the kids can as they are kids “Colorful Kids”.

Here is Why kids love to wear mismatch :

  • Kids love colors and so they want to put on as many colors as they can at once.
  • Kids are carefree. They focus on their likes and dislikes as well as they don’t think about people who judge them by their clothes.
  • For kids fashion is their comfort and happiness.
  • Kids enjoy being themselves.

Allow kids to dress up the way they want:

Put all the tops together and all the bottoms together let them choose the pair. Yeah sometimes that looks odd but you can divide clothes for in house and outside. Give them choice to pick one from your selected 3 for outside /party clothes. Outside means something really important. For garden or shopping don’t force them to wear your choice of clothes. Let them decide by their own. Little freedom always helps kid to react responsibly. And if you think your kid doesn’t know right combination of pair then I will just say

  • What you wear is not important if you are happy with that
  • Mismatch too look cool
  • Sometimes by looking at their clothes you will get idea for you to pair up
  • Kids always looks sweet n cute doesn’t matter what they have put on or how messy they are.
  • Let them be carefree this is not their age to think what people will think or to understand so called fashion ……..

So now tell me you still want to change their clothes!!!!! Well you may say sometimes clothes matters and we can’t allow them to wear anything after all we are a part of society. Then I will say yes but define that sometimes. What I mean to say is if you are really going to big party or place where you need to focus on clothes, for that select three clothes of your choice and tell them to choose one of them. I am sure they will listen to you if you will listen to them rest of the times.

Have a Colorful Summer  
