Throughout my pregnancy I read a lot about pregnancy, even on the contraction and labor and all because I thought that’s all I need to know and my doctor also tried to prepare me for the same but no one (surprised and shocked) ever mentioned even once to learn to be a mother!

I didn’t read much about newborn other than what all the things I need to buy for her, how to put on diaper, how to give her bath and how to give her massage.  What I learned was just a fun part without having awareness of sleepless nights, hunger cries, feeding issues and tiresome days. I was truly thrilled when I came to know that there are different meaning of their cries depends on the intensity of their voice!!!

And that’s why I come up with this article to share few things I missed to learn before step into motherhood and the problems that caused:

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  1. I need to feed my baby after every 2 hours: Feeding baby in every two hours count night time also. I could not get continuous sleep which troubled me a lot. I literally felt like is she having an alarm in her tummy or what? Though gradually I got used to with that I wished for one full night sleep as my birthday gift which was coming after 20 days of my daughter’s birth!!!
  2. I need to change/check her diaper after every feed: Checking or changing the diaper after every feed means cutting off your extra 5 minutes sleep from your 2 hours sleep!!! Well not a big issue if I think now but during first 2 months I felt it’s a biggest problem ever!!!
  3. I need to monitor my baby’s every pees and poops: Baby grows by the days and that docs can get to know by their no. of pees and poops. And that means I need to write down that in chart given by her doctor or need to remember till the end of the day to fill all the data together which was definitely not a good idea with my pregnancy brain. Again I would say not a big issue if I see now but at that time with my recovering body it seemed more difficult to me!!!
  4. Baby eats for 40 to 45 minutes: Oh God this was certainly new to me!!! When for the first time my nurse told me that it will take only 40 to 45 minutes depends on your baby’s speed and I simply asked “how many minutes you said?” Yes that’s true and they get their speed in 6 to 8 weeks which really cut it off to half but initial time is always tough and tougher for me as I didn’t had any idea about that.
  5. I did not know what colic baby is: I was not having any idea about colic baby and when that happened to my baby I was furious. I couldn’t understand anything neither why she was crying for hours without a pause nor why nothing works on the same. I wanted to help but couldn’t and that was frustrating. Luckily in next 4 days my appointment was schedule with her pediatrician and trust me when she asked me “how you are doing” I could say just well with my teary eyes. She consoled me for the things and suggested me to read a book on baby care. She shared all the troubles and solutions for colic baby and that really helped me a lot. She guided me so well that later everything became really easy.

Time after delivery is tough not because of your physical inconveniences but also the changes brought to you by your newborn. Many things you need to learn which are totally new to you and that too without good sleep and enough rest. Your body gives up, your hormones shows tantrums in terms of post pregnancy melt down and here is your baby whom you love a lot but does not respond you (for initial months) at all.

Yes of course all these things won’t be easy either if I would have known before but at least I could have time to prepare myself. As I always believe knowing is everything I feel If I could have known about these things I could have performed well. And that’s why I am sharing these things to all of you would be mummy. My intention is not at all to make you nervous but just to prepare you and your mind to accept the new challenges coming to your life.

Read as much as you can to make the motherhood easy and enjoyable that’s what I learned till the day.
