I chattered with my new neighbor on walking trail behind our building and when it came to sharing phone numbers I suddenly forgot the few digits!!! I tried really hard to recall but no use. I had to apologize with “I am so sorry but these days I am bit forgetful…I will give you tomorrow. I live in 201 please feel free to visit.”
When she saw sadness in my words because of inability to recall my phone number she humbly said “That’s okay I understand this is common in pregnancy. I too have two kids and experienced the same. Don’t worry you will get your memory back.”
I was fully confused as I never heard about pregnancy and memory loss neither my gynecologist ever mentioned it. So I decided to search and read all the books and articles on pregnancy and memory loss. I was surprised to know the truth and I decided to discuss the same with my doc on my next visit. When I described her my memory issue she too simply smile and said “That’s normal!!!”
When my doc saw my fully confused face with “That’s normal” she started explaining the thing. Few days back I met a lady suffering the same and I came out with this article to help Would Be Mummy to understand “That’s normal”.
What is memory loss?
Inability to remember or recall important things which once was really easy to remember. This includes trouble in remembering phone no, house no or even vehicle no. You might misplace the keys or miss important meeting schedule. You might feel you can’t fully focus on the things and lack of concentration.
Why Memory loss?
There is no full proof result came out of the research as this is temporary and don’t seem to appear in everyone. Few pregnant ladies feel perfectly normal while few experience the so called Pregnancy Brain (memory loss). Yes doctors call it Pregnancy Brain as brain in pregnant lady works (bit) differently than the normal one.
The research says:
- That might be due to incomplete sleep and/or tiredness as we found Pregnancy brain mostly in first or third trimester.
- Due to hormonal changes Pregnancy brain works differently and that cause temporary memory loss.
- Your brain is working more on emotional side which will really make you stronger not only physically to deliver the baby but of course to make a strong bond with your newborn.
- Your brain is getting ready to accept the new changes of upcoming exciting life in expense of your memory.
What to Do?
Well first thing to do is calm down. Its temporary and you will get your memory back one day so accept it. I know it’s frustrating especially when you were very good in that or never missed any appointments but try to accept the change and smile.
Be ready with options like note down the emergency meetings. Set the alarm day before important meetings, use post for important phone no. and notes and stick it on the place which is common to visit in your daily routine. Keep extra keys in your neighbor’s or friend’s house. Stick to the same place to arrange the things rather to change the places frequently that will help you to recall.
Serve nutritious food to your brain to encourage it to work perfectly. Add extra omega 3 which will help you to work with your memory loss as well develop your kid’s brain.
Even after all these if you feel lack of concentration or memory loss, just take it easy. Don’t get upset with your stupidity and try to make fun on that. Remember this is not you this is just pregnancy hormones with one more excitement.
Last but not least try meditation to ease your mind.
Note: No one can say exactly when will you experience the memory loss or when will you get it back but yes this is temporary and will give you back your normal life eventually for sure.