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My 4 yrs. old daughter was keeping me busy since last two days as she was suffering from stomach infection. It’s but obvious that I couldn’t do any work in these days. Finally it was 8 PM of second day and I had lots of pending work so I simply asked “Hey dear I know you have pain in your tummy so you can’t sleep but as this is 8 O’clock will you please lay down on couch and I will finish my office work sitting next to you” And she took a moment and said “yes mummy”, gave me a hug and couple of kisses and allowed me to work for next 2 hrs. !!!!!!!! You will think wow what a co-operative girl!!! And I agree indeed but this wasn’t by nature all kids are after all kids but you can make them ready to co-operate by your little effort and that’s simply by Setting Up Routine.

Routine doesn’t mean a strict schedule that kid has to do the way you want but it’s a predictable planned day in which you and your kid can get enough time to understand each other and do fun loving activity with little discipline.

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Benefits from Routine

  • Makes kids feel secure: When kids can predict the next coming thing it will be much easier for them to accept and they feel secure even for the things they don’t like to do. Predictable doesn’tmean you have to follow the clock…….but you have to just track the events occurrences. When every day same thing happens in a same sequence it becomes routine.
  • Increases comfort level: Change is always challenging so when you know these are the things you have to do in a day you can do more comfortably. Same with the kids when they know what to expect next it will be much easier to accomplish. Even when they are tired they understand that these are the things I am supposed to do and show less tantrums.
  • Tolerate frustration: The best thing is they can easily cope up with the small changes as rests of the things are as per the expectations. Even when undesirable changes occur or kids are exhaust they still can predict the remaining half and tolerate their frustration.
  • Foster responsibility: when predictable things happens kids feel that they got whatever they want and they understand why they are not getting particular thing. They become more confident, co-operative and understanding. Routine teaches them after and before concept so now they can be more patient.
  • Cut down stress: when you know this is the last thing you need to do and after that you will be able to take rest or get time for you it’s easy to handle your frustration and control your temper specially when you are tired or ill. Predictable sleep time always reduces sleeping fights.
  • Get personal time: Raising a kid needs a lot of effort and patience. You may not get time to do the things you like but if you plan a day the way you want I am sure it would be easy to steal small amount of time for you also and what else can be more desirable to have time to spend the way you want.
  • Make life disciplined: planning is always preferable when things go per the planning you will feel safe secure and confident and that makes your life more happy. Flexibility is always welcomed but little discipline makes your life ordered and organized. Don’t let your days come and go rather make it more effective and productive for you and your child.

For more information please refer my next blog on How To Set A Routine publishing on Thursday,12 March 2015.
