When it comes to kids and their toys many parents will say not a big deal why should we think about it we just need to give them whatever they want!!!!! But actually that’s not true. Toys are not just to engage them, that really help them to grow. You can give kids two types of toys: 1. Real stuff 2. From the shop First one is very easy kids can play everything!! really everything so you can offer them vessels, broom, empty boxes, bottles, wrappers , bags , newspapers , old clothes or even old shoes and they will enjoy to play with all these. But who doesn’t want to buy toys for their kids? Toys available in shops are really very attractive but do u think it’s a good choice to buy a stylish mobile without any proper apps in that? No right? same with the toys most of the toys look attractive but of no use it won’t help your kid to grow your kid can play with it and may be its worth for you but actually toys are not just to play but to learn to encourage to help your kids to grow and many more……. So choose toys by yourself and very carefully. You can check the backside of the pack there will be little information about age of kid and what will they learn if it’s not there don’t hesitate to ask shop keeper what your kid will learn from it or read the review from the internet. Here are few tips to make your selection easier:
- Age appropriate toys:There will be age like 2+ 5+ on the box of toy and don’t forget to check it. It’s not good to give your child a toy which is higher or lower of his/her age. Because if you will choose higher age by thinking in mind it will be useful afterwards then also you are wrong. Because your kid will open that box and will start to play with it in a convenient way so he/she won’t learn anything from it and later when your kid will be able to play in proper way he/she won’t as interest of toy is gone or won’t be ready to leave the easiest way !!!! So if your kid has completed 2 years choose 2+ if he/she has completed 5 choose 5+ toys. So Toys will affect the way they meant to be.
- Let them choose:Kids will play only those toys which they really like so let them choose what they want to play. Of course that doesn’t mean go to shop and tell them take whatever you like!!! First you go through all the toys select couple of suitable toys for child and tell to choose from those selected toys. This will be beneficial in two ways. First you can offer them a right toy and second they will think it’s their choice as they are final decision maker here.
- Old is new :well do you have any clothes in your wardrobe you brought last year and wore only once…..try it rather to buy new one and you will get the feeling of new one only. Same with the kids they live in present only so if you think your kid is done with toy don’t trash/discard that toy from toy box instead hide it in your room for couple of weeks and if your kid is younger than 2 year you can rotate a toy every week. You Just need to hide a toy from toy box and place a new toy on their table from your hidden toy box and see the face of your child he/she will be very happy to see this new toy and play with it as before only.
- Let them join you:normal tendency of kids is to follow you. They might not get your words but they will surely get whatever you do. So utilize it with your little interest. Most of the time a kid of singer will be more interested in singing a kid of doctor will be more interested in doctor kit and so on because they can see that their parents are enjoying it so they feel it’s really interesting. So if you want them to play with something don’t just give them a toy n tell them see this is the way you should play in fact let your kid do whatever he/she likes just seat near to your child and open a toy and start playing the game and enjoy it if they will see you are enjoying then they will surely come n ask may I please join you and then play together. Yeah you will say who has this much time but try it at least once it could be a good break for you too or who knows you will like it more than your kid!!