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Reader’s Photo

My 2 and half years old daughter Vijeytha likes to copy us for everything and those funny gestures make us laugh all the times. I would like to share one of those with you.

Every day when Vijeytha comes back from school I like to check her lunch box and if it’s empty I like to encourage her with “Yeeee you finished it good job vijeytha.”

Few days back when her father came back from office and removed lunch box from his bag, she asked him to open it. My husband opened it for her. When she saw its empty she said “yeeeee you finished it good job appa.”

And her cute face made us laugh like anything.

Kids are really funny but cute copy cats. Thank you very much Shwetha for sharing your hilarious experience with us.

We are inviting cute conversation from all the parents. You can write your experience to with the name, age and photo of your kid and we will publish it on on every Tuesday.
