I remember my mother telling me many times “when you were a kid I had to clean your school bag almost every week or else it used to be very heavy because of stones you liked to collect!!!”

I use to laugh on that every time. But now the thing is different.

That’s  my 5 years old daughter who likes to collect the things and I need to clean her room every week to get rid of those things and that too when she is away or else everything seems so precious, very much important and I can’t remove any of that from her treasure chest!!!

Foster Feel

Foster Feel

If your kids too are collecting Coles, I am glad to say congratulations as they are in right path to learn and explore the things. If you are thinking to stop them then please don’t as I can give you reasons why not to.

  1. Whatever they collect is treasure for them. This is the way they learn to value the things. So let them collect and let them explore.
  2. If you will notice them playing with their treasure chest, you will see how they differentiate the things and arrange those in different ways. This is the way they learn to categorize the things based on colors size shapes or priorities.
  3. They will open their treasure chest at least once in a day that shows their concern and care. This will encourage them to take care of their things and make them responsible.
  4. Every day revise and recall of the same thing makes their memory sharp as well as upgrade their knowledge about those stuff.
  5. If you think your kid is shy and can’t communicate with other kids easily then good to know that talking about treasure makes communication easy as they get some common topic to talk about.
  6. At this age they collect random things but by the age they will learn the difference and value of the things. They will get their command on their choice and selection which will lead them to a new hobby for the future.

Well this doesn’t mean we should keep all those crap of course. We don’t want to hurt their feelings or to keep them away from this beautiful treasure but at the same time we have to keep their room tidy (just a little tidy) and for that we can use the same old technique, clean up when they are away.

Clean up in absence of kid gives us benefits like 1. We can discard the things we want. 2. It won’t make them sad 3. We don’t want to take away the pleasure of finding treasure 4. We need not to explain them why.

Last one is pretty tricky as Explaining why is a big deal at this age. They understand little more and yet not whole. We can find age appropriate explanation sometimes but not always.

I love to share my daughter likes to collect dry leaves, flowers, feathers, wrappers,magnets or screws and a lot more. If you too feel the same we would love to hear what your kid likes to collect?
