Pregnancy is an unforgettable time for every mother and that’s the reason they will be always ready with their tips(many times those are just myths) For example, oh wow are you pregnant? Congratulations. Now you should take care of your health; you should drink at least 3 cups of milk in a day; you should go for walk every day; you should not eat junk food; you should not wear heals; traveling is not safe for you and many more advises like these. For them these are concern and for would be mother it will become head ache. After all who will like all of sudden restrictions on their life? Big changes of your life and no matter how much prepared you were, you may get angry to accept these changes and that’s perfectly normal.

Well you should accept those tips or not it is up to you but at least think twice “is it really truth or myth” before implementing those on yourself.

Here we are discussing some of those Pregnancy Tips or Myths:

  • Pregnancy means a woman with a lemon in her hand: Craving for certain food in first trimester of pregnancy is very common. You may crave for sweets; you may crave for sour items; you may crave for spicy dishes or you may not crave at all. Everything is normal and everyone is different. We can’t measure pregnancy with a piece of tamarind or a lemon. Sour items are good to consume in nausea and/or vomiting which is very normal in first trimester and that’s why pregnant lady prefers to eat lemon with salt or tamarind during that period. So the truth is it is not a symbol of your pregnancy. If you crave for sour that’s okay but that doesn’t mean everyone will.
  • If you are suffering from heart burn in pregnancy, you are going to have hairy baby: Hormonal changes in pregnancy is a common cause of heart burn (also known as acidity). That doesn’t mean everyone will suffer from the same as well as it is not related to baby’s hair at all.
  • If you wish for a normal delivery, you should walk: Walking or any exercise (which is allowed in pregnancy) in limit is good for health but that’s not at all related to your delivery type. How will you deliver is depends on your health, your baby’s health and/or the situation of the time not on your exercise. Yes you can walk or choose any exercise which is allowed in pregnancy but only if your body permits. Don’t stretch your body just to have a normal delivery as it won’t matter at all.
  • You can’t do waxing in pregnancy: There is no reason to be hairy in pregnancy. You can wax your hands as well as your legs. Actually your baby makes space for her in your tummy by stretching your tummy and abdominal area and thus your skin near tummy and abdominal become thin and sensitive. So it is good to avoid full body wax.
  • You can’t apply mehandi or heena in baby shower: Baby shower is a dream for every mother and she wants to fulfill all of her wish during this function. Mehandi or heena contains some chemicals and any chemicals can cause reaction. Due to hormonal changes your body changed a lot and that’s why you may get reaction from that even if you never had before. This is the only reason to avoid heena or any chemicals. But yes you can always use mehandi stickers available in market and fulfill your wish.
  • You can’t wear fashion during pregnancy: This is totally wrong. Truth is you can, you just need to wear fashion with comfort. There is a classy range of maternity clothes available in the market and you will be fully flattered to see the collection. Go and shop some comfort fashion for you and enjoy it. If you are kind of shy, you can even use designer scarf to cover your bump. yes you should avoid heals but you may replace it with fashionable flats or belly shoes which are really cool as well as comfortable.
  • You can’t travel in pregnancy: Yes you should limit your travelling or you may need to restrict your travelling depends on your health during pregnancy. But again this is individual situation, some may travel a lot; some may travel a little or some may not travel at all. It is better to avoid unnecessary travelling during pregnancy but that doesn’t mean you should be locked in your house at all. You can if your body permits. For more read the article Pregnancy and travelling
  • You should say NO to Chinese food: Actually it is not about Chinese food it is about the ajinomoto used in most of the Chinese dishes. Avoid ajinomoto in your ingredients and enjoy the meal.
  • You will never get the normal body later: What is normal? Are you having the same body you had at sweet 16? Did you hold the same cuteness of your childhood even after teenage? No right? Then why are you expecting the same body after your pregnancy? Every age and every phase of life changes you more or less and you should accept the way it comes. That’s the beauty of life. Leave the worries behind and enjoy the motherhood with new shape, new feelings and new dream.
